hari kesihatan






I understand many of us have been asking about the infection of COVID-19 on animals and pets. For animal lovers, pets are considered as part of their family. If we are unable to keep a distance from animals and pets, it is important to keep good hygiene at all times including when in contact with animals and pets.

Wash your hands before and after handling them. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health (MOH) will work closely with the Department of Veterinary (DVS) for further advice on this matter.




(Source : Noor Hisham Abdullah )


Status COVID-19 di Malaysia sehingga jam 5 petang pada 05 April 2020.
Keseluruhan kes positif 3,662 dengan 27.27.% telah sembuh bersamaan 1005 pesakit dan 1.67% atau 61 kematian.




TERKINI #COVIDー19 di Malaysia, 05 April 2020.
Bilangan pesakit sembuh dan telah discaj hospital adalah 90 kes
Jumlah keseluruhan telah sembuh dan discaj adalah 1,005 kes
Terima kasih kepada semua
